Arrive at Sherry's, met by Izzy who has numerous complaints.

Brett making breakfast - hard to tell who's the smoothie here.

Sherry (my sister) and I get to work:

Can't have too many WW2 books. I think I keep thinking I'll figure it all out someday. I spent the entire winter before my second son's birth reading about submarine warfare and concentration camps. Perhaps that's why Andrew is so thoughtful. Also, Ken Follett doesn't usually disappoint. His "Pillars of the Earth" about cathedral building was huge and gripping. However, his latest book "Fall of Giants" about WW1 is a good history lesson but the characters and plot-lines are less than memorable. Nothing like Herman Wouk's "Winds of War" that plunges you into the current of World War II and barely lets you take a breath. And then Wouk does it again with "War and Remembrance."
Later Sherry, Shannon (my niece) and I go to the Goodwill. As I said, this is a perfect day. Hours later, Sherry finally rejects the magic bling shoes, against my advice. Why, oh why would she not buy these fabulous shoes?

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